Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Two uber links




Big C

Update: have you checked these yet ppl??? =)


At 12:00 AM, Blogger The Paasch-inator said...

I checked the first one - great stuff. I remember when he came to East Valley and told us about this creation museum, and the plans for its completion.

Now, excuse me while I go read the other one. ;)

At 12:03 AM, Blogger The Paasch-inator said...

Ooooo... you hit gold on those two, Casey. Heath Ledger as the Joker, wow. Wow. Wow! There's a lot more I could say... but... I think I will, uh, refrain. ;)


At 8:57 AM, Blogger JJ Brenner said...

I looked at them.

Yeah its good stuff. I love the AiG crowd.

As for Batman, let's hope this one has a villian other than Batman's internal struggle. Looks promising b/c they are casting a "big name" actor as the villian.

At 11:02 AM, Blogger rustypth said...

/disregards previous comment


At 4:35 PM, Blogger JJ Brenner said...


I can't believe you just shrug me off. Sure Batman Begins wasn't my favorite movie, but can we not agree on the fact that the villians in that movie were weak at best?

At 7:08 PM, Blogger rustypth said...

lol ... the /rightclickDELETED stands =)

At 10:43 PM, Blogger The Paasch-inator said...

Um, I'm sorry... but I must offer up my two cents. Weak villains!!! If anything there were too many. I, personally, could not even keep up with them all. I thought Batman Begins to be one of the most well-thought-through / developed superhero movies since... well, I'm not sure what since.

However, that's just me.

At 1:05 AM, Blogger rustypth said...

Hannah - ESPECIALLY considering the earlier Batman movies which were like a joke. Batman Begins follows the comic book storyline beautifully ... which is why I think it was such a major success. Can't wait for the next film

At 2:28 PM, Blogger Jonathan Roberts said...

Good stuff CoB.

But did you catch the totally random and out-place-place comments against Creation science by the reporter?

His/her first comment reveals the presupposition:

"That, of course, is contradicted by science, but that's the point of the $25 million Creation Museum rising fast in rural Kentucky. "

Or right in the middle, he/she just couldn't deny the opportunity to mock those of us who believe in sola scriptura:

"Scientists say fossils and sophisticated nuclear dating technology show that the Earth is more than 4 billion years old, the first dinosaurs appeared around 200 million years ago, and they died out well before the first human ancestors arose a few million years ago."

'"Genesis is not science," said Mary Dawson, curator emeritus of vertebrate paleontology at the Carnegie Museum of Natural History in Pittsburgh. "Genesis is a tale that was handed down for generations by people who really knew nothing about science, who knew nothing about natural history, and certainly knew nothing about what fossils were."'

Oh, brother! It bothers me greatly how so many people (Christians included) exchange the glory of a world created by the creative Creator for a fundamentally flawed theory that strips everything in our existence of meaning and purpose. Creation science is consistent; evolutionary science is inconsistent and speculative at best.

I love AIG and am tremendously grateful for their work in bringing credibility to the gospel of Christ but upholding the very foundation upon which we stand. This is indeed big news! Can you imagine the impact this museum could have upon our generation? I'm thrilled.

Ok, this is where I stop rambling ;)


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