Tuesday, August 01, 2006

This should be a top story...

I called my mom Saturday afternoon to say hello. She and my dad are in Seattle on vacation. She asked if I had heard about the latest terrorist attack. I hadn't. She was shocked. One block from their hotel in Seattle, an American Muslim of Pakistani descent went to a Jewish Federation Office and shot six people. One was killed, the others wounded. Before he opened fire he shouted, "I am an American Muslim, angry at Israel..."

Now, I consider myself a news-addict. I try to watch the news every day. I read news online. I'm fairly up-to-date on what's going on in the world. But why hadn't I heard about this??? So I called Scott to see if he'd heard anything. He hadn't either. What in the world was going on!?!?

When I got home from work later that night, my beloved foxnews.com didn't even have it on the front page!!! Thank goodness for CNN and MSNBC (feel free to quote me on this folks) for both listed them in their top stories. But Monday, nothing. Today, still nothing.

Why isn't this a top story? I believe this is being brushed aside because this terrorist claims to be an "American Muslim."

Please read this story. Please tell your friends and family about this. This is a major attack on U.S. soil, and I will not let it go unnoticed.

Disappointed by FoxNews,


At 4:15 PM, Blogger JJ Brenner said...

If you still think that Islam is the religion of peace, please stand up, please stand up.

At 5:07 PM, Blogger Jonathan Roberts said...

lol, JJ. I agree. This man was actually consistent with his religion... which is definitely NOT a good thing, as we all can see.


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