Saturday, August 05, 2006

Medhead, site updates, and one other thing

During the presidential election I was totally a Sean Hannity fan. Yes, I was Hannitized. Post-election news-withdrawal hit me hard, and it was then that I realized Hannity has nothing new to say. He was incredibly helpful to me during the election, but now, I can almost predict what he's going to say before he says it, verbatim: "...three hours a day, every day, that's all we ask" =)

Anywho, I've branched out since then: Rush Limbaugh, Dennis Prager. My favorite by far, is Michael Medved. In fact, today I became a "Medhead" which basically means I can access his show archives anytime. He's informative and really is the best when it comes to politics and pop-culture.

Did you see that I updated some of my links off to the right? I created a "News" section. Before you gasp, please don't despair over my linking to the Communist News Network or MSNBC. With Fox's poor poor coverage of the Hezbollah-Israeli War, I've forced myself to branch out (especially since CNN and MSNBC have had better coverage).

I will still watch FoxNews, because they are definitely more conservative. But man, I am truly disappointed with them.

Welp, good to get that off my chest =)

Big C


At 2:50 PM, Blogger The Paasch-inator said...

The Communist News Network???! I did a double take at that one. ;)

I'll give you something, Casey... you are very... unwavering in your opinions on things (in general). (!) Ha! But that's really, really funny.

At 4:18 PM, Blogger rustypth said...


hehe, just an ooooold nickname =). But hey, I'm watching/reading them some.


At 2:10 PM, Blogger Jonathan Roberts said...

Yes indeedy, Hannah is right: you are very "unwavering" in your opinions. But I love you all the more for it ;)

It sure comes handy when handling theology and apologetics, though ;)

And yes, I love FoxNews as well.

At 8:48 AM, Blogger Adam said...


Thats fantastic! Michael Medved is probaly my talkshow host. Day after day my dad tuned in as I was taken home from school, enjoying the bliss that is radio debating...

...I was such a nerd!!! :-D

God bless!


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