Saturday, March 05, 2005

Liberalism ... Eww, Gross!

Let's play make-believe for a moment. Pretend that John Kerry won the Presidency in November. Imagine hearing his voice every day on the news. And oh, the absurdity spewing from the mouth of Teraaaayzuuuuh Heinz Kerry! Can you imagine hearing comments like: "They want four more years of hell," from the First Lady, while flashing beer cans at the camera? Okay, that's all I can handle of make-believe.

*shutters at the thought of the most liberal Senator as the leader of the country*

Praise God that in the real world George Dubya won the Presidency. We have at least 4 years where Republicans (mostly conservatives) control the White House and Congress.

As you can tell from my blog, I have backed off politics a bit since the election. I needed a break. All that political talk can be tiresome! Anyway, in 2003 I became a Reagan Conservative, and I am unable to go back. I'm a political junkie for life =). I recently got back into the swing of things - listening to Rush, Prager, and of course, Sean Hannity (3 hours a day everyday). To be fair and balanced, and to know my enemy, I tuned in to Air[head] America, 1010AM to get a feel for "the other camp." What I heard was a most distasteful radio segment.

The hosts are supposed to provide political commentary. What I heard instead was a mocking of the President (not his policies, his person), Christianity, Christian morality, and lastly, Christians. They began with the comment: "Can Bush even read a sentence? Well, we know he can read the Bible because he shoves it down our throats at every opportunity. ... He expects us to all have the same values that he has. Yes, he has the right to believe whatever he wants, but I've had enough of Christian fundamentalists like him who claim absolute truth! Who is he to deny same-sex couples their civil rights? ... Christians are an arrogant lot aren't they? They think they know everything, but they are the ones stuck in the Dark Ages!"

What is truly remarkable about Air America is that this is fairly common. Every single time I tune in this is precicely what I hear. Why, oh why do I subject myself to such garbage?

Sadly, much of the country thinks along similar grounds. This is how the Left in America views conservatives. The Left despises conservatives ... but it HATES Christians. You may be wondering why? Liberals hate Christians because Christians are consistent in their worldview. Christians will not, and indeed, cannot be shaken from their convictions. This is what drives the Democratic Party nuts. They do not understand the Christian worldview or it's values at all.

The Democratic Party is so far removed from the Christian worldview that it boggles my mind how any Democrat can profess faith in Christ. Remember that it is the Democratic Party that is trying to redefine marriage to include homosexual couples. The Democratcs are in favor of a woman's "right to choose" [to abort/murder their unborn child]. Democrats want to give super rights to women and gays.

I can summarize the Democratic Party with three descriptive phrases: emotional reasoning, morally bankrupt, and anti-Christian.

From a Biblical standpoint, the behavior of liberals and the Democratic Party isn't overly surprising. They are unbelievers acting like unbelievers. They are actively supressing the knowledge of God and are doing everything in their power to rebel against their Creator by promoting ungodliness in our land.

As Christians, we ought to pray that God might bless America. In our prayers let us be specific in how we want God to bless our nation. The only blessing our nation needs right now is the gift of repentance. More than anything else the people of America need the grace of God in the regenerating power of His Holy Spirit to raise men to spiritual life so they might turn from their sins unto the living God.

I'm reminded of Luke 13:1-5:
"1Now on the same occasion there were some present who reported to Him about the Galileans whose blood Pilate had mixed with their sacrifices.2And Jesus said to them, "Do you suppose that these Galileans were greater sinners than all other Galileans because they suffered this fate? 3"I tell you, no, but unless you repent, you will all likewise perish. 4"Or do you suppose that those eighteen on whom the tower in Siloam fell and killed them were worse culprits than all the men who live in Jerusalem? 5"I tell you, no, but unless you repent, you will all likewise perish.""

God demands that all men everywhere repent. Otherwise they will die in their sins and face the wrath of a holy God. May we ever be bold in our proclamation of God's truth to a lost and dying nation, trusting all the while that it is God who gives mercy to whomever He wills.

My pastor made some brief comments about Liberalism and Christianity in a sermon a few weeks back. Click here to listen (900kb, 2 minutes).

Until we meet again,


At 3:59 PM, Blogger mgoblue62 said...

I happened to view the segment on Fox which was referenced by your Pastor's audio clip. Dr. Bob does not always come off as quick-on-his-feet and articulate as I would wish in those fast-paced interview/debate settings, but I always appreciate his unwavering stand for the gospel and his refusal to moderate the clear teachings of the Bible.

At 7:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I concur!~ How could any Christian hold to the moral standards of a Liberal??! The affect of liberal(in the generic sense) thinking on this planet has ravished almost every last ounce of "the Law of God" written on the hearts of non-believers! The last thing we need in our fight to uphold the Law of God is morally "liberal Chistians." HOLD FAST, BROTHERS, they are coming from within and without!

At 10:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The Democratic Party is so far removed from the Christian worldview that it boggles my mind how any Democrat can profess faith in Christ."

- I had to read that a couple of times, (I know many people who are Democrats and profess faith in Christ), but I have to say that I agree with you Case!

I think that these people take 1 or 2 things from the democratic party and run with it, BUT completely ignore major issues like abortion, same sex marriage, etc. saying that its a personal choice in which government should not be involved in... these kind of statements really irks me.

Thanks for posting what you posted though ... =)

At 12:13 PM, Blogger rustypth said...

I also know Democrats who claim to be Christians. In fact, a leader at my old church was a Democrat - I assume for economic reasons. Yet it never made sense why he would not remain an independent so he could avoid the association with all the evil that is the Democratic Party.

And to the one who argues that it is not the gov't's job to stop abortions or reject same-sex marriages, I would point out that Biblically speaking, it is the government's job to uphold righteousness. Sanctioning the murder of 40+ million unborn citizens (so far) and now brushing aside the issue of same-sex marriage is not upholding righteousness. I believe that the Holy Spirit will convict the hearts of real Christians who are Democratcs so that they leave the party that utterly hates His Law.


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