I don't like the idea that everyone is a sinner
Last week my Cultural Di ver sity (as I like to pronounce it) class watched a video about ... cultural diversity - shocking, I know. The video featured a dozen high school students each from different ethnic and cultural backgrounds. There was a black kid, a white kid, a Jewish kid ... you get the idea. Most of the movie was alright. Extremely boring, liberal and anti-Christian, but alright. Then it happened. Out of nowhere a homosexual guy was interviewed. "It's rough being a white, middle class, Christian, gay, high school guy. Being persecuted for being true to yourself isn't right. Growing up, I was very religious. I attended church on a regular basis. But my church didn't have room for those of us with different sexual preferences," he said.
Yeeaaa. Interesting movie.
Later on that evening I visited our class message board online. One of my classmates began a new thread titled: "What did homosexuality had to do in this video?" The grammar and spelling gets worse believe me =). His post reads:
After class, I was talking with a classmate about the video and it content. I was telling this person how I had really enjoyed watching the video. Then this person asked me something that really through me off. This person asked, "What did homosexuality had to do in this video?" I could not believe this person was asking this. Then again, this question represents the opinion of many our population's taboos. My response to this question was, which is one that has always gotten me into arguments with other friends and relatives, that it should not matter whether someone is heterosexual, homosexual or bi-sexual because in the end the world is made up of humans. My idea behind this comment has to do with my motto in life: "To respect the ideas of others, it does not constitute that I agree with his/her philosophy of the world." With this comment, I would like to close my respond.
I decided to respond. Here's what I said:
I was surprised that the video included the issue of homosexuality. The film seemed to flow naturally until the end, when that issue was raised. It is my belief that homosexuality is actually an unnatural sexual preference. To understand where I am coming from, I am a conservative Christian and hold to strong Biblical convictions. I believe that sexuality is defined for us by God ... that God created us heterosexuals (Ephesians 5:20-33, Matthew 19:3-6, Romans 1:26-27 - from the Bible).
Please don't misinterpret my thoughts as hatred for gays/lesbians. I disagree with their lifestyle, but they are human beings just as I am. And from God's point of view, we are all sinners who break God's law.
As you might imagine, this resulted in the entire class getting involved. There are currently 18 posts on this thread!
The reponse I've received has been less than thoughtful. For example:
I understand how you feel because I too WAS a christian but I did not like the idea that every one is a sinner. It really does not matter that there are homosexuals in the world because we only live one life. I believe that we should live our life to the fullest and not regret what we have done in the past.
He "was" a Christian? No, he never was a Christian. He may have made a profession of faith, but he has obviously fallen from the faith. This comment is a glowing example of total depravity: "I did not like the idea that everyone is a sinner." Wow. Complete rejection of his condition before our holy God. This kind of attitude is common in our nation; certainly in this class.
You would be shocked to hear how many of my classmates claim Christ and then deny Him by defending homosexuality.
Eventually someone responded to my post:
okay setting aside your beliefs about homosexuality, can you at least agree that it is a culture? and it is a culture that is misunderstood and misrepresented in many ways. that is why it was included in the video. culture is not something that is limited to ones ethnicity. take for example pop culture, hip-hop culture, and even the blind feel they are part of a unique culture. as time passes more and more cultures will begin to pop up, and it will be our job as educators to help our children to understand and respect these groups as they begin to emerge in our society.
I responded:
Thanks for the comments. I appreciate your question.
Well, I wouldn’t need to set aside my beliefs about homosexuality to recognize that one’s “sexual preference” is a part of what makes up an individual =). I agree that homosexuality is sometimes misunderstood and misrepresented. I’d also like to add that homosexuals are oftentimes mistreated, and that is wrong.
Nevertheless, I found it peculiar that the video included issues of ethnicity and sexuality, when they should probably be placed in two different categories. Respecting one’s ethnicity is different than respecting one’s sexual lifestyle. We are born into ethnic groups, but we are not born into sexual lifestyles. Our ethnicity is not a choice, but sexuality is a choice.
I do not believe respect is the issue when it comes to homosexuality. After all, how can I be asked to respect the sexual choices of another with whom I disagree?
Or do we simply mean that rather than respecting the choices of others, we ought to love our fellow man? That we ought to see others as equals? If so, I definitely agree with that.
Hope my clarification was beneficial for you.
No one else has directly responded to me. I have gotten a kick out of watching my peers try to disagree with me without telling me I am wrong, lol.
Here's another peculiar comment:
I think the point of homosexuality in this video was to touch the topic of discrimination. Not only did the movie incorporate people of different race, but of sixual preference, age, gender, and many other things. At almost every job out there they say "we will not discriminate against race, religion, gender, age, sexual preference, and many other things." I was suprised when they brought this topic up as well. I thought it was brilliant myself. I have a few gay friends. I was raised as a christian. I stopped attending church because I feel like the church contradicts much of what they say. One minute they tell us that we are sinners if we do this and that, for example being gay, and yet in the same sentence they say God will forgive us all. I am proud of who I am and what I represent and don't feel that people who are gay are sinners, nor am I a sinner for being close to those who are gay, or like to look at men even though I am married, or have sex for reasons other than reproduction. This is my personal conflict and would not expect or want anyone to take this perspective on, but this is how I feel. To sum it up, I liked the mix of gender, race, religion, and sexuality that was incorporated into the movie.
I feel sorry for this guy. He also grew up going to church but left due to conflicts with Biblical teaching.
There has only been one other comment I felt deserved a response:
I agree with what you have said. I am of a Christian faith. My religion believes against homosexuality as most Christian religions believe. Do I believe in homosexuality, No. That is my belief, but I do NOT persecute those who do practice homosexuality. I respect them for who they are and what they endure because of what they believe. I have friends and know people who are homosexual. They do not push homosexuality on me and respect my beliefs and in the same way, I do not push my religion on them and what I believe. We understand each other and respect each other for what we believe. That is the way it should be. We need to respect others and treat them like anyone else no matter how different they are or of what they believe.
I responded:
I agree with you on a number of points. First, I also would not persecute homosexuals. Second, I think we ought to treat them as we want to be treated. Third, having a correct understanding of a different position is important (in this case, homosexuality). Lastly, homosexuals are our equals in humanity – for as I believe, all men are created in the image of God, and all have sinned by breaking God’s law.
Where we may disagree is to what extent we respect the beliefs of others. For example, I believe that homosexuality is an unnatural and a sinful way to live. How then can I be asked to respect homosexuality, which is something that I believe is morally wrong? And to be fair, how can a homosexual respect my beliefs, that their lifestyle is condemned by God?
I do respect the right of another to choose how they live. But I do not respect many ways people choose to live their life. I should add that how someone lives their life will not affect how I treat them, or how I interact with them as an individual. Though I would consider it an honor and privilege to discuss with them how they can turn from that lifestyle and know my God, as I know Him. But from my worldview, it is God that makes men to differ. So how can I be hateful towards someone else?
Anywho, just food for thought =)
Can you sense the overall attitude of my peers? Not only are we to respect homosexuals as our equals, but we are to respect their beliefs as well. Do you see the subtle difference? Christians must respect homosexuality, but homosexuals do not have to respect the Christian belief that homosexuality is sinful. This double standard is troubling, yet it is what is expected. What's worse is that these unbelievers do not see the double standard. Their hatred for God and for His law has blinded their eyes to rational thinking. Homosexuals don't want equal rights, they want super rights. Meanwhile, a Christian's rights and freedoms are mocked and ridiculed as "barbaric" and "traditional."
Yesterday I came across a passage in John that speaks to this very subject. "18"If the world hates you, you know that it has hated Me before it hated you. 19"If you were of the world, the world would love its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, because of this the world hates you. 20"Remember the word that I said to you, 'A slave is not greater than his master ' If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you; if they kept My word, they will keep yours also. 21"But all these things they will do to you for My name's sake, because they do not know the One who sent Me. 22"If I had not come and spoken to them, they would not have sin, but now they have no excuse for their sin. 23"He who hates Me hates My Father also" (John 15:18-23).
As a Christian, I feel alone in this class. Never before have I felt so out of place. But I know that in complete darkness light is more apparent. And believe me, people around me are noticing. My prayer is that I will honor God with my actions and give a good testimony of my faith. I look forward to sharing the good news about Christ with these men and women who so need a Savior.
Joel! Glad to see some #pros folks commenting =)
I don't believe my statement that ethnicity is not a choice, but sexuality is a choice, would disagree with your contribution that some people have a tendency to sin greater in certain areas. In fact, I would agree with such a statement. But the fact remains that because one has the tendency towards certain sins does not mean it is not their choice.
God bless brother,
Wow! Engaging our culture can be hard. Keep on standing for the truth! I'm praying for you, bro.
Great post, Rusty - a clear treatment of an important contemporaty issue. May God continue to grant you wisdom, courage, and meekness in a challenging academic seting.
Hey Casey,
Way to be bold! I was encouraged that you didn't merely bring up the topic of homosexuality, but you addressed grace, depravity, made in God's image,and etc. I'm encouraged that you have taken advantage of what our culture believes to address what the Bible teaches. Keep it up!
Ladies and gentlemen you have all stumbled upon the gold mine of the liberal education system. Liberals figured out quite early that they are inconsistent and cannot logically reason out their ideas. To put it plainly, if you had to be consistent in your thinking or your head would explode, most liberals would be headless (save the truly consistent ones, which are really scary AKA John Kerry and Ted Kennedy). Instead of trying to gain political clougt, which they cannot gain, this last election proves that, they have chosen the way of Hitler and Stalin. Control through propaganda. The Nazi party would not have ever existed(as we know it) if not for propaganda. They have chosen to take over the "education" system in America and indoctrinate our children with their lies. Abusing their positions as roles models to further their evils scemes. I believe that liberalism is a pawn of the devil in this fight for souls we rage. So when you stumble across "christians" who are also liberal, challange them on basic points of morality and one of two things will change. They will walk about away from their liberalism, or their "faith" (God Forbid).
All praise and honor and glory to our Heavenly Father. Forever and Ever, Amen.
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