Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Bucks and the Trinity

Last night I was at Bucks doing some reading when I bumped into Matt Torres. He sits down and asks me some questions a Pentecostal asked him. It took me all of 60 seconds to realize that Matt was dealing with a Oneness Pentecostal (Modalists are so easy to identify =)). I told him to set all the issues (continuationism, baptismal regeneration, perseverance of the saints) aside and focus on the Trinity. So we started talking about it.

We spent about 40 minutes talking about the Trinity and how to explain it to a Modalist. What really impressed me was Matt's desire and passion to get a real handle on this important doctrine. It was clear that he loves the Trinity and wants more than anything for his Oneness friend to worship the triune God.

It is so rare to find Christians who care about the doctrine at all, much less one who wants to be clear in his presentation of the doctrine. Matt definitely wanted to be able to say more than, "God is one in three. Get me???" =)

Matt, you r0x0rz buddy. God used you to refresh my love for our triune Lord. Thanks, brother.



At 2:05 AM, Blogger kletois said...

you r0x0rz buddy.

At 8:16 AM, Blogger JJ Brenner said...

Thanks for the post. Yeah Matt Torres is a cool dude. He used to look like David Crowder.

At 8:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, Matt is cool. SO is hangning with Matt at Starbucks talking about Jesus....even better.


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