Friday, September 29, 2006

Emails to a Mormon (somewhat borrowed title) - Part 6


So, wait. If our argument is based on how many gods are actually in existence... It's a stailmate. I have already admitted in believing in more than one being//personage in a state of godhood. So, assuming that you aren't going to give up you're belief in only one god namely God himself; and I'm not going to give mine up of believing that humans can and have reached a state of godhood in the afterlife, then this conversation is pointless. Haha!

But, notice one thing you said, and had corrected me upon doing so myself:

"I believe that 1 John 3:2 is talking about the Christian's hope in the resurrection when Christ returns to earth."

"I believe" in this context is not exegesis. This is stating an opinion about the scripture. But, let's not turn this into an English Literature discussion.

So, I hope to hear what you have to say about this first paragraph. If you agree? If you do, I would be more than happy to continue on in our "doctrinal jousting", if you will. It's very interesting to hear what you have to say! I appreciate it! Well, hope to hear soon!



My response:


A simple statement "I believe" followed by reasons for my interpretation is not eisegesis. You have yet to provide any interaction with the three texts of Scripture we have gone over. Our conversation cannot move forward until you have done so. You need to prove that Isaiah 43:10, John 10:34 and 1 John 3:2 support your belief that more than one true god exists. I have already offered my exegesis. Your turn =)

Casey Ryan


At 10:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Casey- Sounds like Danny is trying to end the conversation, but keep with it man! Him simply picking apart what you wrote instead of actually interacting with those key scriptures is not of help. In his email to you, he said, "It's very interesting to hear what you have to say!"...this might be my least favorite statement EVER. Especially coming from an unbeliever who hears the word of God spoken or in email form and says, "that was interesting". I'll be praying that this interest takes form in him reading the Bible and God revealing and opening Danny's eyes to the truth. Way to stick with this Casey! You are an encouragement to many!


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