Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Way to go 7-Eleven!

"A week after Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez called George W. Bush "the devil," convenience store chain 7-Eleven Inc. said Wednesday it will stop selling gasoline from Venezuelan-controlled Citgo Petroleum Corp."

""Regardless of politics, we sympathize with many Americans' concerns over derogatory comments about our country and its leadership recently made" by Chavez, 7-Eleven said in a statement.",2933,216079,00.html

I think I'll be filling up my tank at 7-Eleven in the upcoming months. Finally, someone who's not willing to take crap from evil dictators.

Btw, did anyone see the HP5 pics I linked to lasterday???

Yay for blogspotting yourself!

"Good morning! Nice of you guys to drop by!",


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