Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Once we blur the line there is no line

Same-sex marriage advocates have denied that the legalization of same-sex marriage would open up the door to polygamy.

But more than that, once you blur the line, and once you stop discriminating against what marriage is and is not, then marriage can be anything you want it to be. Marriage could be between a woman and a dolphin (which happened in the Middle East a year or two ago). Marriage can be between a man and his dog. Marriage could be between 20 men and 20 women, their favorite animals, and their big screen TV! Think I'm joking?

Listen to this polygamist advocate's arguments:

"The [Supreme Court] found no compelling state interest in criminalizing homosexual sodomy based on a long history of states and/or a majority of society finding the practice immoral. Similarly, the state of Utah can offer no compelling justification for criminalizing polygamy" (http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,215812,00.html).

Iiiiinteresting. Did you catch his argument? "See! They couldn't find any real reason to make sodomy illegal. And they can't find any real reason to condemn plural marriage! You're imposing on my freedom of religious expression, which encourages plural marriage. That might not be your religious belief, but it's mine. So there! *sticks tongue out*"

I'll give it 10 years. 10 years until polygamy is legalized. If we can't discriminate against anything, anything goes.

Discrimination is not always a bad thing folks. We discriminate all the time. We discriminate against murder. We discriminate against public indecency. All we are doing is setting a boundary.

I am proud to discriminate against any form of marriage that is not between one man and one woman.

The Case


At 4:52 PM, Blogger JJ Brenner said...

Me too!

At 4:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you hear about the sisters in England that want to marry each other because of property/estate taxes when one of them dies (I think that's what it is for). You are right! If marriage is not defined, anything will go.


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