Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Irony of Ironies!

For the second time in a week, millions of protestors filled the streets of Paris and other parts of France. The protestors are comprised mostly of “twenty-somethings” who oppose “the first job contract,” a new law making it easier for employers to fire younger workers in hopes of creating 80,000+ new jobs without government assistance. The basic idea behind this law is to create a more competitive job market, which will in turn allow for a more productive economy.

I applaud the French government for such efforts. This is a major step away from Socialism towards Capitalism (not that the French are Socialists in the purest sense).

These riots are the result of babying an entire generation now accustomed to having their entire life handed to them on a silver platter. From the time they’re born, the government pays for their schooling, including their university education – and I won’t mention that their universities are miserable failures compared to the rest of modern states. During and after college, French youth have complete job security. Until recently, French law did not allow firing workers for poor job performance. Economic growth is grossly stunted under these conditions. Bosses need to be able to hire and fire employees. Less government involvement in the economy produces more economic growth.

““This is our big chance as a generation, because we're all united. Me alone, I can't do anything, but all of us together are going to achieve our goal,” said Ivan Dion, a 17-year-old high school student at the Paris march.” (http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,188931,00.html).

What exactly is your goal Ivan? Obviously you want “the first job contract” law overturned. But isn’t your real goal to have job security? Do you really believe that you have job security under a system that doesn’t create more jobs? Because you see, Ivan, once you begin looking for a career, you might not be able to compete for a job because no new jobs have been created.

Ivan makes the same mistake that liberals here in the U.S. make when it comes to illegal immigration: a failure to think long-term. If you’re only looking for a quick fix, then by all means let’s have the French government make enough programs to create 80,000+ jobs. The problem won’t be felt for years to come, so hey, eat, drink and be merry. Don’t worry, be happy, right? Wrong. You have to worry and show concern for the economy, Ivan. You should be thankful that your government is trying to give you more freedom!

It is the irony of ironies that the French, who are known historically for protests and violent revolutions to win freedoms, are now protesting to give the government more control over their lives. No longer do “Post-Enlightenments” protest for natural rights, social/government contracts or morality. Today, they protest and riot to turn over freedoms to the government. What has happened to the backbone of the French people?! Where is the strength they displayed during the French Revolution? The Philosophes would be turning in their graves if they saw the pitiful state of their people.

Does anyone else find it strange that all of the latest protests have been made up by those dependent on the government? The French youth believe the government should provide them with jobs. Here in America, illegal aliens believe the government should continue to provide for them. There is a consistent theme here folks: liberalism does not work in a fallen world, and we are seeing this before our very eyes.

I hope that Americans are paying attention to these ridiculous protests in France. Let’s keep a free economy, and push for less government involvement here in our own land.

Capitalism is a beautiful thing,


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