Thursday, December 08, 2005

Christians: keep your big mouths shut!

The Christmas season has arrived in full swing once again. This is the time of year when many Christians celebrate the incarnation of the Lord Jesus Christ. Most Americans likewise celebrate some aspect of the holiday. But there is another group who wants a piece of the holiday season: Secularists.

The Secularists have been waging a war against Christmas for who knows how long. Their battle is not only against Christmas, but ultimately against all public religious expression. Yes, they have seen many victories over the years.

We live in a day when our Federal and State governments bow the knee to the almighty power of the nation’s Supreme Court, who seeks to rid public life of all Christian expression.

Our schools indoctrinate our children with cultural diversity, tolerance, acceptance, and understanding. Children are raised to believe that people have the right NOT to be offended, and people should go out of their way to not offend another by discussing spiritual things. In principle the idea of not offending someone sounds wonderful. Yet, because of what they would have us not discuss (religious convictions) it is a terrible thing. Functionally, their “tolerance” and “acceptance” apply to anyone but Christians.

The government, the ACLU, the MSM (mainstream media) is tolerant, and accepting towards Christians, really, they are - just so long as they keep their big mouths shut. So then, everyone has the right not to be offended, except Christians. Oh the inconsistency!

As if this was bad enough, most big businesses are trying to restrict their employees’ speech. I suppose I should add that I don’t believe employees should be preaching the gospel or having political debates while on the job. Employees are paid to work, not to have long discussions. But now businesses won’t allow employees to wish costumers “Happy Christmas.” This is a new extreme. What’s the reason for this? Tolerance, acceptance, diversity, understanding. Wait just a daggum minute. I thought that most Americans celebrate Christmas? So who are we being tolerant towards? You guessed it: the minority.

We are told that the politically correct slogan for the winter season is “Happy Holidays.” Does anyone else find this ironic, that really what we’re promoting is not the celebration of one religious holiday, but multiple religious holidays? I wonder when the brilliant Secularists will figure that one out.

America is by no means a Christian nation, nor were we ever (though in our early days most were professing Evangelicals). Nevertheless, we are a country who claims to protect certain God-gvien rights. Freedom of speech is one of these rights. Yet, everywhere you turn Christians are being told to shut up. What the Secularists fail to realize is that by asking us to not outwardly celebrate our own religious holidays, they are really asking us to deny our faith. As a Christian, I cannot deny my faith while at school, while at work, or anywhere else in public. I just can’t do that. I must obey God’s laws rather than man’s.

What I’m getting at is this: Christianity is not just a hobby for the Christian, it is his defining characteristic.

“WELL, why do you have the right to shove your religion down our throats,” declares the Secularist anti-Christian. First, I don’t want to “shove my religion down your throat.” However, if you would like to have a polite conversation about the gospel, I’d be delighted. Second, you limiting my freedom of speech offends me. Your Secularism offends me. Two can play at the “you offend me” game =).

The simple solution to all this would be to stop trying to limit public Christian expression AND stop complaining about how another’s freedom of expression offends you. I doubt this will soon happen, but I do not claim to know the secret will of God.

Soooo, during this Christmas season, let your good works be displayed before men. Proclaim the gospel of Peace with joy. Don’t let Political Correctness hinder your journey through this life. But be as bold as ever, honoring the Lord in all that you do.

Happy Christmas!


At 1:29 AM, Blogger kletois said...

what are these meatheads afraid of? If belief in God/Jesus is on the same level as unicorns and fairies (the little folk), why the staunch hatred for (in their minds) the non-existent. Just enjoy the season you secularist scrooges!!

At 12:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awesome post Case! I had a similar thought yesterday in my blog. Check it out!

At 12:46 AM, Blogger JJ Brenner said...

Merry Frickin' Christmas Everyone!!!

BTW...I don't know who you sell things too...but I don't sell to costumers. I sell to customers.

At 3:27 PM, Blogger rustypth said...

Jayj - I'm gonna leave the spelling error so that audiences for years to come can enjoy the relevancy of your comment on this here entry =)


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